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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Photography a philosophy

Photography a Philosophy:

Photography is a prime digital art evolved from painting. Like any other art it is different for different people but having spoken to many masters in this field there is one thing common in all of them and that is they all say “it’s the attitude and imagination that makes a picture”.

Before thinking about the camera and the equipment I would urge all new learners to ask the questions ‘why are you doing photography?’ and ‘why are you taking a picture that you wish to take?’ once you have the answers to these trust me your way to develop your skill is half achieved.

When I ask this question to myself I get several answers but the once that make a foundation are photographs/ paintings/ writings make memories recordable. Photographs are something that help you live the moment you wish to capture and re live it a few years down the line. So, if your photograph is solving this purpose then it is a good photograph; and if your thought process is convinced to take the snap then the snap is worth taking.

Once you are clear about what you want to shoot you need to think about two things
  1. Do you want to have an image what is in front of you? or

  2. Do you want an image what you want to see (because different people have different imagination)?

This differentiation is highly important as it connects the earlier points of storing memories. Photography is a digital painting so one is free to choose from either of the questions mentioned above. The reason these questions are important is because different people see different things and different people see differently, so this puts various options to the subjective thought and objective memory and a dimension of perspective.

I can give you an example; look at the image below and see what you like or what catches your eye in it:

Image source: Rohan Shetti Germany 2011
The above snap shows a scene of mire in Germany:

Some might be interested in the reflection, some might be interested in the scene as a whole, and some might wonder how the picture is having an edge glow! Some might see the clouds to be interesting while some might be interested in the technical meta data of the picture.

So the important thing is what you want to show and what people see. There will always be a difference in perspectives and perceptions but a photograph is successful if people primarily see what you want to show them!

Many renowned photographers say “you need to paint the photograph in your head before it enters your machine”….. Now that you know how to frame it in your head in the next article I shall speak about how to bring it in your machine and what machine would be good to go with your thought process!!!!!!!!! Until then build your thoughts …

Rohan Shetti.


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